3 Things You Should Always Discuss With Your Physiotherapist
A physiotherapist or physical therapist may work with a patient after an injury or surgery or because of a chronic condition, such as arthritis or lower back pain. When you've been recommended to see a physiotherapist, they will go through a number of questions with you in order to determine the best course of treatment. In each session they may also ask other questions to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and if you're progressing as you should.
Working With Your Urologist To Treat Diabetes-Related Bladder Problems
Diabetes is a disease that can cause a wide range of debilitating side effects and related conditions, and the bladder of a diabetic person is vulnerable to a variety of problems. However, with proper management of your diabetes, and with proper medical help and supervision of your bladder functions by a urologist, the risk of developing these conditions can be minimised and more easily treated if you are still unlucky enough to be affected by them.
Understanding the Basics of an Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory processing refers to how humans take in sounds that make up language and then process or interpret these sounds to understand that language. The area of the brain that interprets and understands language is different than the areas that recognize other sounds, and of course the sounds that make up language are different than the sounds that make up music, nature, man-made items, and the like. Any type of disruption to this process of hearing and interpreting sounds that make up language is called an auditory processing disorder.
How to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis While Flying
Sitting in a cramped space for hours at a time can put you at an increased risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This occurs when a blood clot forms in one of your veins, normally in the lower legs. This can come with serious health ramifications; in fact, it has been estimated that around 1 in 10 people die from DVT complications.
The risk of this occurring during a normal flight is very low, but it becomes higher once travel time surpasses around 4 hours, so it's well worth taking these steps to make sure that you're doing everything possible to keep yourself safe.
Osteopathy: What is it and What Does it Treat?
If you are experiencing pain as a result of TMJ, arthritis, or other medical conditions, you might be thinking about getting treatment from an osteopath. Osteopathy is a practice of medicine that provides natural-based treatment of the body through massage and manipulation. It is done by manipulating the joints and muscles, as well as the bones in some situations. Here is more information about this practice of medicine and why it can be beneficial to you.
Understanding How Riding a Motorcycle Can Impact Your Hearing
A recent study found that a throttled-up motorbike can cause noise pollution in excess of 100 decibels, while another study determined motorcyclists travelling at 60 km per hour are exposed to 90 decibels of noise in their helmet. What does this mean? Well, noise-induced hearing loss can occur when you're regularly exposed to noise that exceeds 85 decibels, so motorcyclists should be aware of the risk of damage to their hearing health as a result of regular riding.
Mole Removal - Necessary?
The overwhelming majority of people will develop a mole or two throughout their lifetime. In fact, most people generally have between ten and forty moles on their body by adulthood. Most of these moles are benign and generally cause little discomfort. However, some moles may be unsightly or cause irritation, and others can even be dangerous. Having your mole removed may not be entirely risk or pain free, so here are some hints to help you decide on a course of action: