Checking for skin cancers

Two Reasons Why Cis Women Might Benefit From Seeing a Female Doctor

If you're a cis woman, here are some reasons why you might benefit from having a female doctor.

1. You'll be less likely to minimise or avoid discussing your female health issues

Not every cis woman feels comfortable talking about health issues related to her reproductive organs or breasts, particularly in situations where they need to discuss them with a male doctor. If this is the case for you, you could potentially find it easier to stay healthy if you have a female doctor. As a cis woman, it is often easier to discuss female health issues with another cis woman.

Because of this, you'll be less likely to, for example, minimise the severity of any female health issues (such as breast lumps, new menstrual cycle symptoms, etc.) you're having during your medical appointments or avoid mentioning them at all. This is important as if your doctor doesn't get this information from you, they cannot help you to resolve these health issues and in instances where these issues are serious, the postponement of a diagnosis and the subsequent delay in getting the problem treated could be serious.

As such, if you know that you're hesitant to discuss female health issues with males and have become a bit tongue-tied in situations where you've had to do this in the past, then you should choose a female doctor.

2. They can empathise with your female health issues

Any male doctor from whom you seek assistance for female health issues should be knowledgeable about them and able to treat them (or know which specialist to refer you to for treatment). However, they won't have any personal experience of these issues.

A female doctor can empathise with many of the women's health issues that her female patients have because she has possibly gone through some of them herself. Having a doctor who understands what you're going through when, for example, you're experiencing severe insomnia and hot flashes due to menopause, could make all the difference when you're seeking treatment for this issue.

If they've had similar experiences, they'll not only be very sympathetic but will also be more familiar with what treatments are or are not effective. They'll also be less likely to dismiss or downplay the effect the issue is having on you. For example, a male doctor whose only knowledge of menopause comes from books or previous patients may not fully comprehend the impact that frequent hot flashes can have on a cis woman's ability to function.
